
Letter from the Administrator

Dear Employees, Residents and Family members,

It’s hard to believe the first month of 2018 is already behind us! But time flies when you are having fun, they say. February was such a fun month for us here at Fordsville Nursing and Rehab! I hope all of the residents enjoyed the Valentine’s Day dinner and party. I know that I dideven though my “date” ate all my chocolate!

Speaking of Valentine’s Day, I have a confession to make. I totally didn’t get my husband anything for Valentine’s Day! I was so busy, I simply forgot even though I had thought of Valentine’s Day several times that week. Luckily I was able to get something on the way home and pretend it had taken so much thought. This situation got me thinking about a word… and that word is FOCUS.

The starting point for all happiness is shifting the focus away from yourself. If you want to be happier, you must care about the needs of others around you. Most people have the tendency to worry about their own plans, rather than the interest of others. If you want to be one of those rare, unselfish people, you have to shift your focus. It doesnt come naturally to put other above ourselves. You have to learn how to be selfless.

I think more than anyone, our residents deserve our focus. I encourage everyone to take a moment to slow down and enjoy being a care giver. Have that extra conversation. Go that extra step. Flash an extra smile. Be intentional! The rewards of truly serving someone else are always worth it. We continue to thank each and every one of you for the hard work you do. Even on the busiest of days, please know that it does not go unnoticed. I am always open to suggestion on how we can help better serve our resident and help you do the same! God bless you all.

Always thankful,

Lindsay Turner, Administrator

Categories: newsletter